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תחומי מחקר ותחומי הוראה:
מורפולגיה עירונית | תנועת הולכי רגל בסביבה עירונית | התנהגות וקוגניציה במרחב | ניתוח מרחבי -טופולוגי של סביבה עירונית | מודלים של דינמיקה עירונית
פרסומים נבחרים (5 שנים אחרונות), פרסים וכו':
Omer, I., and Goldblatt, R. (2016) Spatial Patterns of Retail Activity and Street Network Structure in New and Traditional Israeli Cities, 37(4), 629-649.
Lerman, Y., and Omer, I. (2016) Urban area types and spatial distribution of pedestrians: Lessons from Tel Aviv, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 55, 11-23.
Omer, I. (2016) Residential Neighborhoods in an Ethnically Mixed Area: Factors that Shape Coexistence, In: S. Moroni and D. Weberman (eds.), Space and Pluralism, CEU Press, 225-251.
Plaut, P., Omer, I. and Shach-Pinsly D. (eds.) (2016) special issue: “Quality of life in the built environment”, , , vol. 89 (Hebrew).
Khamaisi, R. and Omer I (2017) The Spatial-Functional Dimension of Jewish-Arab Relations: from Mixed Cities to Mixed Regions. The Jewish-Arab Center, University of Haifa, 118 pages (Hebrew; ISBN: 978-965-92634-0-0).
Omer, I., and Goldblatt, R. (2017) Using space syntax and Q-analysis for investigating movement patterns in buildings: the case of shopping malls, Environment and planning B: Planning and Design, 44 (3), 504-530.
Omer, I., and Kaplan, N. (2017) Using space syntax and agent-based approaches for modeling pedestrian volume at the urban scale, , 64, 57-67.
Omer, I., Goldblatt, R., Khamaisi and Romann, M. (2017) Tolerance, intergroup contacts and municipal-spatial organization: The case of Jews and Arab Palestinians in the Tel Aviv metropolitan area, DOI:10.1111/tesg.12259.
Shao, L., Mittlstadt S., Goldblatt, R., Schreck, T. Omer, I., and Bak, P. (2017) Analysis and Comparison of Feature-based Patterns in Urban Street Networks,CCIS 693, 1-23.
Omer, I., Gitelman, V., Rofè, Y., Lerman, Y. Kaplan, N. and Doveh, E. (2017) Evaluating crash risk in
Omer, I. (2018) Effects of city form and socio-spatial divisions on cognitive maps, Journal of Urban Affairs. doi.org/10.1080/07352166.2017.1360738.
Omer, I.(2018) Editorial: Urban Modeling and Social Media, , 6:1, DOI: 10.4172/2327-4581.1000180.
Omer, I. (2018) How are geographical judgments and a geographical entity’s shape connected in cognitive mapping?, onment, 44 (2), 205-217.
Ma, Ding., Omer, I., Osaragi, T., Samdberg, M and Jiang, B. (2019) Why Topology Matters in Predicting Human Activities, . 46 (7), 1297-1313.
Omer, I. and Kaplan, N. (2019). Structural properties of the angular and metric street network’s centralities and their implications for movement flows. , 46(6), 1182-1200.
Casellas A. and Omer, I. (2019) Modelling the city in dialogue with new social media and modes of travel behaviour, In: Plaut, P. O., & Shach-Pinsly, D. (2019). , Routledge; London, pp. 170-185.
Kaplan, N., Burg, D. and Omer, I. (2020). The spatial organization of accessibility and functional hierarchy: The case of Israel. , 80, 101429.
Ogulenko A., Benenson I., Omer I., Barak A. (2021). Probabilistic positioning in mobile phone network and its consequences for the privacy of mobility data, .
Birenboim, A., P. Ben-Nun Bloom, H. Levit, and Omer I. (2021). The Study of Walking, Walkability and Wellbeing in Immersive Virtual Environments,
Kaplan, N., Burg, D. and Omer, I. (2021). Multiscale accessibility and urban performance. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 0(0), 1–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/23998083211024648
Kaplan, N., A. Birenboim, N. Omer, and Omer I. (accepted). Walking Patterns in Tel Aviv Metropolis: Empirical Findings about Walking Durations and Planning Implications. Tichnon, (Heb).
המעבדה לניתוח המרחב העירוני \ Urban Space Analysis Laboratory
פעילויות חוץ אקדמיות קשורות לתכנון: ישראל 100 – תכנון מרחבי אסטרטגי לישראל